
History of the Church

Tracing the footprints ...

The Foundation for this Church was laid in the year 1840 and the built Church was consecrated by Rev. C.Aroolappan in 1842. He served for 18 years and his son was Lay Reader for two years after which it was handed over to SPG mission. Church property was developed through contributions of tenants and several other donors.
The 100th year celebrant Rev. Chelliah Joseph released a souvenir on 24.06.1953 proclaiming the word of God in Psalm 107: 1 “O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good for his mercy endureth forever”.
Mission later part of 1860 named St.John's Mission looked after by Bishop T. Dealtry who was generously donated the amount Rs. 12,000/- as sacrificial offering to the mission which was given by Meckenzie of Bengal for Bishop's personal use.

A glimpse of some important features ...

Rev. W.A.Plumptre also conducted evening service in English and opened a school for the poor and downtrodden children for both boys and girls in 1860. The boy's school now is the residence of the Parish Priest.
Rev. C.Kenneth, a missionary priest served in our Church for 16 years and the Kennet lane adjacent to our Church has been named after him for his valuable contribution to the society as Theology teacher and Principal of a college in Mylapore.
Rev. Manuel Yesadian served for 20 years in the Diocese in various levels and 20 years in our Church. He was also honoured by the government which awarded him the title "Rao Sahib".
During the period of Rev. J.B.Gnanaolivu in 1931, the ceiling of the Church was renovated with further Extensions
Mr. S.C.Dharmaraj, Asst. Engineer/Govt. in 1953 rendered his expertise the expertise in the renovation of the Church preparing for the 100" year anniversary is also the basement for Parish Hall was dedicated by Rev. D.M.Hollis.
The 150 year anniversary celebrant Rev. Paul Prabhakaran Isaac released a souveniron 22.06.1990 referring to the word of God Psalm : 126:3 "The Lord hath done greatfor us: whereof we are glad". To commemorate the occasion aBelfry was constructed and it was dedicated by Bishop M.Azariah.

Taking the baton further for God's glory…

1994 - CSI Echankaranai / Chingleput was constructed and it was dedicated by Bishop M.Azariah during the period of Rev. D.Rajasekaran.
In 2014 the CSI Church at Salavakkam in Uthiramerur Pastorate was dedicated by Bishop V.Devasahayam during the period of Rev. Leonard Baskar Samuel.
The 175 year anniversary celebrant is Rev. M.Prabhakar Rajasekar, released a souvenir on the occasion of St. John’s Day Valedictory Celebration on 25.06.2017 (Sunday) referring to the word of God Psalm 103 : 1-2 “Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits”.
During the period of Rev. M.Prabhakar Rajasekar, the Sexton / Gardener Quarters constructed with all facilities and it was dedicated by our Beloved Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr.J.George Stephen on 02.04.2016 in the Church Campus.
We are now concentrating on the mission field in Chitoor / Sunguvarchatram, Chennai by doing Gospel work.